Welcome to Faith Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
457 Wellingford Street, Charlotte NC 28213 New Here?Zoom Live StreamSunday Morning Service 10 AM
Tuesday Bible Study 7 PM
Food ministry
For I was hungry and you gave me food. Matthew 25:30 NKJV Reaching up to God and out to Man. Every Wednesday 5 PM – 6 PM
10 AM Faith CME Sunday morning worship
Meeting ID: 350 007 9634 Password:507656 Phone# 16513728299 Phone# 17866351003
7 PM Bible Study Tuesday
Zoom Meeting ID: 350 007 9634 Password:507656 Phone#16513728299 Phone#17866351003
Every 3rd Wednesday @ 6:30 PM, Youth Bible Study will be on Zoom
All Youth and Young Adults, if you are interested in attending the Youth & Young Adult Conference – July 1 – 5, 2024, there will be a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. It is extremely important that you sign up so we can get an accurate count of who will be attending.
Ministerial Team
Worship Services
Thank you for taking the time to visit Faith CME Church’s page. We would love for you to join us soon at any of our worship services. Our ministry, love, and compassion for our members, as well as our praise and worship, are sure to be a blessing to you.
Our Mission & Vision
At Faith CME Church our Vision and mission
It is to help connect people to faith with “Christ-Centered Bible-Based seeking to build a better community.”
Second Harvest Mobile Food Pantry
We Love Serving Our Community
Get Involved
faith in action
Bible Study
7 PM Tuesdays
Chair Aerobics with Shanna Greene via Faith’s Zoom
6:30 PM Thursdays
Women of Faith Praying
8 PM Thursdays