We are truly grateful for your donation and hope the convenience of giving online will be helpful to you.  You can now make offerings, pay tithes, or give donations online. The online transactions are powered and manage via GIVELYFY transactions are safe and secure.

How To Give

Giving Online

  1. Click on the Givelify image when taken to the Gifelify website download the app onto your phone, tablet, or chrome book and choose Faith CME as your place of worship.
  2. Create your profile and save it.
  3. To start giving click on the give button and select the amount to give and choose an option for the gift listed or choose other.
  4. Review your donation summary and click the give now button to finish the transaction.
  5.  You may also give to multiple funds in a single transaction.

Giving During a Services

If you prefer, you can still give during one of our weekly services by filling out the offering envelope. You can use this envelope to give by cash or check.


Giving And Donations Inquiry

For questions or concerns regarding finances or giving online.


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